Emily Cooks: Piecaken



still life of tamales with dog

still life of tamales with dog

lattice apple pie by Emily

lattice apple pie by Emily

In the Thanksgiving tradition of overindulging past the point of nausea, I made a piecaken.What is a piecaken, you ask? It's a pie (hence, the "pie") baked inside of a cake (hence the "cake"), followed by an "en" that doesn't mean anything (homage to the atrocity called the "turducken").Let me preface this by saying, yes I can actually cook. I'm not just the stunning combo of snark and love handles behind food critic, Josie Tucker. I do have some skill.Ah, hubris...

Step 1: Select your flavors

Typical Thanksgiv...ian piecaken flavor combinations include:

  • Pumpkin pie with yellow cake

  • Pecan pie with chocolate cake

  • Apple pie with yellow or cinnamon cake, or gingerbread

By Sunday afternoon after Turkey Day, I was sick of traditional fall pies, so I chose blueberry pie with yellow cake. I also have a household of picky eaters and nut allergic people, so my choices were additionally limited. But the world is your oyster. Pick your favorites. Although, I don't recommend shellfish.

Step 2: Watch and learn

batter in pan with pie

batter in pan with pie

cake in oven

cake in oven

cake center is sinking

cake center is sinking

cake collapsed

cake collapsed

As in, watch and learn from my mistakes.

Step 3: Watch and learn, part 2

What do you do when you screw up in the kitchen? You look to the great chefs. (Skip to 2:35 for the classic Julia Child moment when she drops the turkey.)






Step 4: Refrigerate and enjoy







Emily volunteered to make more desserts this holiday season. So we can all laugh at them.While you're waiting, enjoy a throwback Josie Tucker holiday



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Slay Bells Ring