Guest Appearance: Talking with Kaira Lansing
Here are three things on my bucket list...
Many thanks to Kaira Lansing for chatting with me.
You can find the whole interview here:
About Kaira Lansing
Among other things, such as being amazingly generous and kind to indie writers, Kaira writes mystery, romance, and crime fiction. She says:I enjoy writing mystery, romance and sometimes throw some paranormal into my adult novels. When I'm not writing, you can find me out on dates with my Husband, scoping out restaurants in search of the best Ultimate Nachos. I also enjoy running; hate doing sit-ups; love to read and can’t stand winter. Like, really … Can’t. Stand. Winter. I drink way too much soda and am trying to quit, hence my new passion for Brandy and Coke. I am famously known for my practical pranks involving: post-it notes, saran wrap, a toilet cake, and a surprise birthday party that almost burned down my house!