60-Second Spotlight: Author Adam Gainer

Adam Gainer, the man,
the myth, the Canadian

Welcome to my 60-Second Spotlight on Someone Cool, in which I ask some goofy questions ala James Lipton (from Inside the Actors Studio), rapid-fire. Then a couple of legitimate questions. 

Ready? Here we go...

Adam Gainer

Do you have a nickname? If so, what is it? 
Gainer the Gopher

I’ve had quite a few in my time. Some I’d rather not name, some I will. Bozo, after Bozo The Clown, was the first. There was also Riff, Dingle-berries…. *Ahem*  For the most part my nickname was Gainer, after Gainer the Gopher, our Saskatchewan Roughrider mascot (or my last name). But usually, people call me Adam.

If you were on the news, what would the headline say?
If I told you now, it would spoil the surprise.

Do you have a favorite dessert or drink?
Pizza! Oh wait…Dessert. Yeah…Still sticking with pizza. It’s a pie, right?
Wood-fired, large, extra cheese

Who do you want to punch or hug (or both)?
Hmm, interesting….I’m a socially awkward person, so hugging and punching people is kind of out of my comfort zone. If I was to hug and punch someone, it would have to be someone really worth it. Someone really important. Guess I’d have to think on it.
Tell us your public name?
Author Adam Gainer (Or just Adam Gainer, if you please)

Will you tell us about your books and writing?

I love to write. Particularly fiction, but I love to let my writing be as diverse as possible. I’ll write non-fiction as well. Writing blogs, philosophy, poetry, songs; you name it. Anything I feel like writing. 

Where can we find out more? 

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