If you eat a cluster of moist oysters you may need an ointment.
Why Do We Hate Some Words?
Yeah, I'm looking at you, "moist."People hate the word "moist" with a visceral fury. BuzzFeed did a feature on it. As did Mental Floss. And MotherBoard. And even The Oatmeal.Apparently if you hate the word "moist" you are prudish and queased out by bodily fluids in general.Some people think it's the "oi" sound they hate, the same vowel combination that's in "oysters," "moisture," and "ointment." I have a friend whose last name is Moisture and when she introduces herself she actually adds "sorry" afterward.While I don't have a problem with "moist" (try not to overanalyze me), I do have a problem with these words.
Synergy, Intuitive, Data-Point
When I first entered the corporate world, I thought business jargon was mildly annoying, possibly even chuckle-worthy. Twenty years later, Dilbert isn't funny. Neither are TLAs (three-letter acronyms) or verbing your nouns.These words cause the irreversible erosion of my soul. Can you "get your arms around that" without me having to give you the "ten thousand foot view"?
Bruh, Dank, On Fleek
By the time I click the "Publish" button on this blog post, there will be a whole new crop of these words, which I sometimes call Dude Speak. Funny at first, these words get tired faster than...well, me, of them.Please, for the love of God, just stop. Or should I say, "stahp," because I "can't even."
Breweries & Rural Jurors
These unpronounceable words are just plain mean.The more you hang out in a brewery, the less you're able to say it.And no disrespect intended toward country folk, but the word combo of "rural jurors" seems to poke fun at people who might have the most trouble pronouncing it.Whoever made these words ought to be taken out back and horsewhipped, preferably by a colonel...from the sixth isthmus south of Worcestershire...while serenaded by a choir of squirrels.What words do you hate?
I'm all about words.